How to Handle Stress at Work: 3 Simple Tips
By: Dimitris Semsis
Inspired by Maria Katsifaraki – Occupational Health Psychologist & Psychotherapist
Stress is an unfortunate daily occurrence for numerous professionals in today’s world. With the overall instability that has gripped the world as of late, the element of stress has become even more prominent within the modern workplace.
With our purpose being to better the work-lives of all of our customers and followers, we have written down 3 easy tips for you to follow—with the goal of reducing overall stress and making your daily work existence more pleasurable and productive.
#1 TIP: Time Management
While this may seem like an overly apparent suggestion at first, proper time allocation is often overlooked when it comes to constructing a greater, balanced work existence. It is of paramount importance that all professional priorities be placed within the boundaries of practicality, common sense, and reality. Make sure that each task needing completion has its own corresponding plot of time within the day—try not to stray away from these time-frames, as they can offer a much-needed element of clarity into an otherwise chaotic schedule. Try to focus on one task at a time—avoid multitasking!
One simple way to prioritize your daily task is to evaluate them based on two values: importance and urgency. Complete tasks that register high on both parameters first, followed by those that are important, then urgent, and then all the rest. This simple way of categorization can be pivotal in reducing confusion and stress, as it sets a clear work structure for us to follow.
#2 TIP: Improving Coworker Relationship Dynamics
Again, this point may erroneously appear as simple or easy in terms of establishment, while its true nature contains a great deal of complexity. Due to the cultural shock-wave that has been the COVID-19 crisis, human contact—something which was a given for most, not too long ago—has become far less frequent, and this can have potentially disastrous effects on the interpersonal dynamics of a work-place if not handled properly.
Honesty and straight-forwardness are key to maintaining an open channel of communication with your coworkers. It is of great importance that you do not bottle up any negative emotions, as these will slowly fester and lead to increased aggravation on your part—this will only serve to magnify the toxicity that is present inside your workplace. Deal with any disputes or individual-specific issues in a respectful and honest manner; do your best to resolve such problems, so that they don’t hamper your and your coworkers’ productivity.
One practical way for maintaining work dynamics in a mostly digital workplace is to commit a biweekly or monthly meeting, with your team, for non-work related discussions. During this time, you should share personal information, news, or concerns, so that you can develop a better understanding of each other. This nurtures the human aspect of a team and leads to healthier, long-lasting work relationships.
It should be obvious that improved relations and a greater base of positivity can be pivotal to reducing stress. So get at it!
#3 TIP: Take an honest break
This is pretty obvious, but sometimes you need a break in order to refresh your mind and to revitalize your work drive. Summer is upon us, and most people are planning out their vacation time—if they’re not vacationing already. When you are away from work, try not to bring your work life along with you. Refrain from slaving over your phone, checking emails, and stressing over potential tasks that you might have to face upon your return. Your vacation time should also be continuous—the bigger the break, the greater the potential for stress relief and revitalization.
Instead, try to devote this limited time towards unwinding, enjoying your surroundings and the company of others, and having fun overall.
Such a mindset can be greatly beneficial throughout the year, regardless if you’re away on vacation or not. Set some clear boundaries between your personal and work life—make sure that your work does not sip into your private existence. Devote some time daily to doing the things you like—do not overwhelm your every waking hour with work. Even 15 minutes a day of uninterrupted “me” time—meaning no work distractions—can be greatly beneficial, healing, and effective towards reducing your daily stress
2020 has proven to be a turbulent year so far, making work related stress a daily related occurrence for most us. By following these simple tips, you can reduce your daily stress effectively—improving your everyday life one step at a time.
For more information about our work psychology workshops, send us an email at info@vividvibes.gr