Chocolate with purpose…
By: Vasilis Vassiliadis
An elderly person can often spend an entire week without speaking to anyone, according to research conducted in the UK to 225.000 people over the age of 65.
Inspired by the above research, Cadbury’s, the famous chocolate company, launched a special edition of their iconic Dairy Milk chocolate bar a few days ago, having removed all the words from the well-known purple packaging and “donating” them to Age UK, in essence offering 30p for each chocolate bar being sold.
This wonderful initiative became the media headline within a few hours and succeeded not only in raising awareness about the issue of loneliness in older people but also the company’s sales.
Most people might think that this is a great marketing trick. Maybe.
We believe that it is a great example of the power of Purpose and how a brand with a strong Purpose can become the springboard for marketers and designers to deliver great results. So, we found Cadbury’s Purpose, it is “True Happiness for YOU” and here is how the company talks about it:
“In life, you are defined by those that shape you. Be it your parents, influential teachers or coaches. Life is a marathon with many short bursts, and it’s important to remember all of those people who’ve helped you along the way. Dairy Milk helps you do that because it’s is so rich and pure that it isn’t meant to be shared with just anyone and everyone. It’s for those special people who’ve shaped you because, in today’s busy world, it’s important to take a step back and remember those that have contributed to you being where you are. They are the ones that give you happiness; True Happiness.”
This is the beauty and the power of Purpose, of knowing who you are, what you stand for, what you believe in and what is your position and attitude towards society and the issues that concern our world.
These are the companies that will lead in the coming years. Not on the basis of sales volume and profits, but on the impact, they will have on the macro-environment and on people’s lives, which in turn will bring in the necessary revenue and profits.
Here you can find Cadbury’s Brand Purpose in more detail: