We are who we are.

We are a vibrant intervention team helping people and organisations bridge the gap between who they want to be and who they really are.

We are who we are.

We are a vibrant intervention team helping people and organisations bridge the gap
between who they want to be and who they really are.

Vivid Vibes was founded in 2017 by Vassilis Vassiliades with a simple purpose to help employees enjoy their work more, whatever it may be, and at the same time to help customers enjoy the buying process more, no matter what it may be. This is how we contribute towards a better society.

We help organisations and people transform to their authentic self, to gain clarity, walk the journey and ultimately address their real challenges. We help them to constantly transform into the best version of themselves.


Here is what sets us apart

We care about making an impact in everything we do. We don’t see our work as delivering a service, but as truly making an impact towards our purpose and our partners purpose.

#Not a Consulting Agency.

It is clear by now that the way organisations have been approaching their business and their challenges is no longer working, and this includes consulting companies and agencies!

In the era of Customer Centricity, Exponential Technologies and Generational turmoil, companies are faced with high uncertainty about almost everything, too many challenges both internally and externally, and fierce competition from everywhere.

Being successful today and in the future requires a very different approach.

#We Cannot help everybody.

Unfortunately not everyone is ready to jump on the transformation train.

We focus our efforts to helping those who want to be helped and that we believe we can help them based on their needs.

Meet our Team

Vassilis Vassiliadis

Vassilis is a Business Consultant, International Speaker, Trainer and Large Groups Facilitator.

He loves Cultural Customer Experience and Service Design concepts, since they all have the human in the heart of their interest. He is definitely a music-holic since the very 1st thing he bought for the office was the sound system.


Natalia Vourloumi

Natalia holds a degree in Business Administration.

She has worked in multinational companies as an administrative facilitator and in the personal development programme ReGeneration as a project coordinator.

She is passionate about Arts and actively participates in dancing, acting & vocal seminars. Exploring and travelling is her second nature.


Manolis Papadakis

Manolis is a Business Designer, with extensive knowledge in the field of User Experience (UI & UX). He is passionate about the whys and hows of digital business offerings and firmly believes that human-centric design should be at the epicenter of any viable business strategy. He tends to stray away from mainstream hobby trends, preferring gardening instead.


Vanessa Rafti

Vanessa is an enthusiastic HR Professional.

She has 15 years of experience, at the People Department, in a multinational company, who loves collaborating with people and making a positive impact on their lives and businesses.



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