After the initial numbness of the lockdown, we prepared
a Manifesto to deal with the business crisis of Covid-19 #STAYVIVID
Our only goal is to help each other make the critical transition to the post-Covid-19 era, with the least possible consequences.
It is for this reason, we offer Learning Bites, chunk size learning online, on current, trending and targeted topics, like “Work Psychology”, “Customer Journey Mapping” etc.
Through these online experiential workshops, facilitated by our consultants, we help all personnel deal with uncertainty and put some order in the ‘noise’ and insecurity that is omnipresent at this point in their lives. At the same time, we help build a new safety net for the team and also for each individual.
All these together helps to keep the bigger picture in mind and create a fertile ground to grow and develop our people, and thus our organization in a healthy manner.

Stay Connected
@Home Edition
During this “strange” and unprecedented period, we help organizations and teams, build greater cohesion and maintain a sense of belonging. We create a “smart” online space, where employees, who are at home and away from their routine, can process the current situation and all the things that are happening outside and inside the company.
Find out more here

Customer Journey Mapping
@Home Edition
During this “strange” and unprecedented period, we help organizations and teams build readiness for the post COVID-19 era and the “new” relationship with their customers. By tracking down all the touchpoints with your organisation, identifying and addressing key weaknesses (pain points) and challenges, we can achieve a thorough understanding of your customer’s perspective. This gives us the opportunity to become proactive and start creating next steps and actions.